Help Desk at ETH

Proteomics and Metabolomics Helpdesk of the FGCZ

Proteomics & Metabolomics Help Desk of the FGCZ at the ETH Hönggerberg Campus or Online

Enlarged view: FGCZ_proteomics_poster

Every first Thursday of the month we offer free of charge consulting

Upcoming 2025 Help Desk Dates:

03 April
08 May
05 June

9:30 - 11:30 am 

Where: Online

( or *by appointment only*  ETH Hönggerberg, Building: HPL, G28 )

Every first Thursday of the month we offer free of charge consulting regarding:

- Experimental design
- Sample preparation
- Analysis strategies
- Data analysis and integration

Although a formal registration is not necessary, a short email outlining your matter would help us to assist you more efficiently; simply write to us at:

Even if your specific situation does not exactly fit the descriptions above, or you are just curious about what Proteomics can do for you, or the FGCZ in general, it might be worth to dropping by.

Your Proteomics help desk team

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