Manipulating the fight between human host cells and intracellular pathogens (BattleX): funded project

  • The goal of the BattleX project is to combine accurate genome-scale models of both host and pathogen that will pave the way for an integrated comprehensive understanding of infectious diseases as a rational basis to develop urgently needed control strategies.
  • It is a Research, Technology and Development (RTD) project, funded by, the Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology.
  • We aim to develop novel strategies to combat infections; specifically, to identify novel targets/target combinations in metabolism for control of shigellosis, focusing on one infection model, intracellular Shigella infection of human cells.
  • This model is medically relevant and offers unique advantages for a systems approach. 

To the project, the FGCZ contributed Proteomics and Metabolomics analytical and data analysis / interpretation know-how and technology resources.

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